Betterment Programs

We offer several inmate betterment programs that can be taken on a voluntary basis.

Out of Darknes
Out of Darkness is a faith-based rehabilitation program hosted through Freemont Street Baptist Church and organized by church member, Jamie Cevala. Although Out of Darkness is a relatively new program, it has proven successful due to the consistency of attendance which can be directly attributed to the reliability and dedication of the program’s counselors.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a group-based recovery program that provides strength in recovery by sharing relatable experiences and the tribulations associated with alcoholism with other members. The program is not based on any particular religious or political principals but focuses solely on attaining sobriety.

Our GED teacher, Mrs. Janene Plunkett, prepares students for GED testing by meeting with students for nearly two hours, four times a week. This grant-funded program, allows inmates to learn basic functions of computers, rudimentary mathematics, and conversational grammar. Such endeavors assist inmates in job placement after incarceration.

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a national rehabilitation program that uses spiritual growth to overcome additive behaviors. Instead of focusing on one specific addiction, the 12 step program allows one to focus on the debilitating issues that hinder from being the person God intended.

ACH Mental Health Counseling
Our contracted healthcare organization provides a mental health counselor that meets with inmates, privately, on a weekly basis. Counseling sessions focus on an array of issues, including addictions counseling and behavioral disorders.

Every Sunday, inmates have an opportunity to attend church. We have four groups in rotation to lead these spiritual meetings. Each group represents a religious establishment within the community. Attendance is often so high, we must allow for two men’s sessions after the one women’s session.

Contact Info

Emergency: Call 911

600 Memorial Drive
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Phone: (765) 362-3740
Fax: (765) 362-1587

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